jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Grades already uploaded

The following groups are already in the system:

A 1.1 group 1
A 1.1 group 2
A 1.1 group 3
A 1.1 group 4
A 1.1 group 5
A 1.1 group 6
A 1.1 group 7
A 1.1 group 8
A 1.2
B 1.1 (plus extra points)

Check them at http://tueris.cun.edu.co:8189/notas/login.html

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

B 1.1 Second Partial Grades


The grades are:

1. Party homework 10/50
2. Class activity (Nofear) 10/50
3. Writing about profession 15/50
4. Partial 15/50

The extra points you have are not included in this grade yet, so your grade could be higher.

Nice day.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 Grades week 10

Column 1: Presentation
Column 2: Office Homework
Column 3: Conversation script

PF: Pierde por fallas

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

A 1.2 Partial Topics

Hi, the topics for this second partial are:

- Past Simple
- Present Continuos
- Adjetives
- Vocabulary (unit 10 mainly)

Check here the present continuos tense.


martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 English Business partial topics

Hi, the topics for the written partial are:

- Vocabulary
- Present simple
- Verb to be
- Preposititions of place

Remember that grupos from Monday will take the partial on 25th October.

B 1.1 Partial Topics


These are the topics for the partial:

- Vocabulary Unit 3.
- Let
- Reading comprehension.

Bring your dictionary!

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

A 1.2 Coming weeks activities

Hi Guys!

I´m sorry about this morning class. The cause was a Transmilenio strike.

This is the schedule that we have:

October 14 - Class (Unit 10) - Verbs quizz
October 21 - Second Partial - Oral partial (Proyects presentation).
October 28 - Partial feedback
November 18    - Muestra Empresarial y Cultural
November 25  - Muestra feedback.

Remember to show me your presentation before the second partial. Send me an e-mail to get an appoinmet or in my tutorial times.

I sugest the following adresses that can help you to improve your project:


Thanks and nice weekend.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 Activities Week 10

For Week 10, don't forget to get copies of unit 4 workbook at Richard. This will help you to your second partial in Week 11.

The doubts will be solved on week 11. 

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010


I have opened this blog in order that you can know last news about our English classes.