martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Entrega de notas

Las notas y paciales estas siendo entregados hoy 30 de noviembre.

Les recuerdo que de acuerdo al Reglamento Estudiantíl, artículo 49, parágrafo 1:

"El estudiante tiene un plazo de tres (3) días hábiles contados a partir del conocimiento de la nota para tramitar su reclamación, transcurrido este plazo, la nota será inmodificable".

Cualquier duda via e-mail.

Felices vacaciones.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

ExamTopics A 1.1

These are the topics for the written:

- Verb to be
- Present Simple
- Unit 4 and 5 vocabulary
- Reading comprenhension


Be ready to answer questions about your job or company aspects.
Be aware of structures and pronuntation.

IMPORTANT: students from classes at night, you have to pick up a workshop from Richard. This will be 10 points for your third cut grade. Don't miss it! It will be collected at class time.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


Don´t forget that on Thursday, November 18th, we have an appoinment at the XI MUESTRA CULTURAL Y EMPRESARIAL ANGLO FRANCO NIPONA, organised by CUN´s Foreign Language Center.

                  Morning schedule - From 8 am to 12 m
                  Evening schedule - From 6 pm to 9 pm

Place: Sede F

Practice your English skills with other Cunista students.

Don´t forget students from A 1.1 that you have to write and bring a report from that activity that day. You can give it to me or to your class monitor.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Grades already uploaded

The following groups are already in the system:

A 1.1 group 1
A 1.1 group 2
A 1.1 group 3
A 1.1 group 4
A 1.1 group 5
A 1.1 group 6
A 1.1 group 7
A 1.1 group 8
A 1.2
B 1.1 (plus extra points)

Check them at

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

B 1.1 Second Partial Grades


The grades are:

1. Party homework 10/50
2. Class activity (Nofear) 10/50
3. Writing about profession 15/50
4. Partial 15/50

The extra points you have are not included in this grade yet, so your grade could be higher.

Nice day.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 Grades week 10

Column 1: Presentation
Column 2: Office Homework
Column 3: Conversation script

PF: Pierde por fallas

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

A 1.2 Partial Topics

Hi, the topics for this second partial are:

- Past Simple
- Present Continuos
- Adjetives
- Vocabulary (unit 10 mainly)

Check here the present continuos tense.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 English Business partial topics

Hi, the topics for the written partial are:

- Vocabulary
- Present simple
- Verb to be
- Preposititions of place

Remember that grupos from Monday will take the partial on 25th October.

B 1.1 Partial Topics


These are the topics for the partial:

- Vocabulary Unit 3.
- Let
- Reading comprehension.

Bring your dictionary!

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

A 1.2 Coming weeks activities

Hi Guys!

I´m sorry about this morning class. The cause was a Transmilenio strike.

This is the schedule that we have:

October 14 - Class (Unit 10) - Verbs quizz
October 21 - Second Partial - Oral partial (Proyects presentation).
October 28 - Partial feedback
November 18    - Muestra Empresarial y Cultural
November 25  - Muestra feedback.

Remember to show me your presentation before the second partial. Send me an e-mail to get an appoinmet or in my tutorial times.

I sugest the following adresses that can help you to improve your project:

Thanks and nice weekend.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A 1.1 Activities Week 10

For Week 10, don't forget to get copies of unit 4 workbook at Richard. This will help you to your second partial in Week 11.

The doubts will be solved on week 11. 

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010


I have opened this blog in order that you can know last news about our English classes.