martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Entrega de notas

Las notas y paciales estas siendo entregados hoy 30 de noviembre.

Les recuerdo que de acuerdo al Reglamento Estudiantíl, artículo 49, parágrafo 1:

"El estudiante tiene un plazo de tres (3) días hábiles contados a partir del conocimiento de la nota para tramitar su reclamación, transcurrido este plazo, la nota será inmodificable".

Cualquier duda via e-mail.

Felices vacaciones.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

ExamTopics A 1.1

These are the topics for the written:

- Verb to be
- Present Simple
- Unit 4 and 5 vocabulary
- Reading comprenhension


Be ready to answer questions about your job or company aspects.
Be aware of structures and pronuntation.

IMPORTANT: students from classes at night, you have to pick up a workshop from Richard. This will be 10 points for your third cut grade. Don't miss it! It will be collected at class time.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


Don´t forget that on Thursday, November 18th, we have an appoinment at the XI MUESTRA CULTURAL Y EMPRESARIAL ANGLO FRANCO NIPONA, organised by CUN´s Foreign Language Center.

                  Morning schedule - From 8 am to 12 m
                  Evening schedule - From 6 pm to 9 pm

Place: Sede F

Practice your English skills with other Cunista students.

Don´t forget students from A 1.1 that you have to write and bring a report from that activity that day. You can give it to me or to your class monitor.